Dear Ranee

Can you say how fortunate I have been to have found you many years ago for me to have all the massages and Kinesiology treatments that have helped me become the person I am today.

To top it off for you to be able to teach me Kinergetics so I have now become a professional Kinesiologist and am loving my new profession.

The reason why I love it so much is that you have demonstrated to me over many years your love for your work and the amazing results that are obtained.

When you teach you teach from wisdom, knowledge and it all comes through you with such enthusiasm that you have made my goal to be like you.

Every lesson was different and you have the ability to bring a class together in most amazing ways.

To top all of that off to be able to learn on the acreage setting you have created with the horses, dogs, birds and other wild life allowed the energy of nature to engulf us.

My mission every time I come to Brisbane from Papua New Guinea is to tap into something you are teaching because you are the "best teacher" you have "the best setting" and I just love learning.

Thank you for the new life you have given me.

Barbara x

Bayside Kinesiology


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