Ranee's courses are fantastic! I have been fortunate to participate in the Kinergetics Platinum course and the Jaw R.E.S.E.T class and can highly recommend both. The style of teaching that Ranee adopts for her classes is extremely focussed and intense whilst providing you with all the tools you need to become truly competent and confident and can be used straight away. By the end of your first day of Unit 1 you will already have skills you can use with your family and friends. Delivery, although truly achievement focussed, is done so in a comfortable, welcoming and nurturing environment, and in the end you will find that you have learnt all the skills you came to the course for but also gain a shared connection with several people, who like yourself, are striving to serve others in an effective and meaningful way. The fact that you finish the course with a complete energy balance and make-over from all the work you have done, and feeling a profound sense of belonging and peace, is the icing on the cake.